Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Im getting brave

I've been trying to figure out how the heck I want to decorate the boys room. If I hang anything on the wall they pull it down (why wouldn't they???). I wanted to hang some shelves but I imagine monkeys swinging from vines...So I decided to get brave and paint one of the walls. I dont really have a finished vision in my mind, Im just letting the paint brush do the talking...Here's my progress so far...Any creative ideas would be warmly welcomed!!!
 This is the begining....Stars on a blue sheet...Hey, its cool in the dark.

Phase I, trees....complete. 
 3 months old!
This kid knows how cute he is....Its already damaging my attempt at disipline. He got a 1, 2, 3, count today and with each progressing number his head cocked a little bit more to the side and his smile got larger....I was laughing by the time I got to three...Cheeseball.

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